What are the benefits of game-based learning?


If you’re looking to engage and entice your students, there are few methods more effective than game-based learning (GBL). GBL uses games to make learning fun by leveraging the power of play and competition, while also ensuring students actually retain what they’ve learned—the best of both worlds! But how does it work? What makes GBL so effective? And what can you do to use it in your classroom? In this article, we’ll take a look at the benefits of game-based learning and give you some practical tips on how to get started.

There are many benefits to learning through gamification, including increased engagement, better retention of information, and improved ability to apply the knowledge learned in the real world. But if you’re wondering what are the benefits of game-based learning, you should start by asking how it differs from traditional learning methods. One common question that educators have about using games in their classrooms is why use them at all? And what are the main reasons behind it? Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of game-based learning below.

1) Improve Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EI) is often defined as a person’s ability to recognize their own and other people’s emotions, to discriminate between different feelings and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior. The main idea behind EI is that it enables us to manage our emotions so that we can maintain our composure in different situations. We all experience emotions on a daily basis, which greatly impact how we think, behave, feel and relate with others. There has been much research done on EI over the past few decades – yet many people find it difficult to identify what exactly EI is or how one can improve their own level of EI.

2) Promote Focus and Discipline

According to psychologists, many games contain elements that force players to focus intently on certain tasks in order to win. Using these elements in your lesson plans is a great way to promote discipline, which will help students focus when necessary. The desire to beat their peers is another motivation factor for kids in classrooms where gamification is present, and many students see competition as an enjoyable pastime. When it comes time for tests or final exams, competitive students often do better than their counterparts who don’t care about winning. And while some argue that competition breeds poor sportsmanship, others argue that it promotes self-confidence in students—something that educators would no doubt appreciate.

3) Expose Kids to Common Situations

Game-based learning isn’t just for kids. Play poker online have similar advantages. They expose players to common situations in a low pressure environment where failure is not only expected, but welcomed. The winnings might be fake, but you’ll still learn key concepts by trying to improve your chances.

4) Help Children With Communication Skills

One perk to gaming is that it helps children develop social skills. A 2006 study by the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that young people who play video games regularly have significantly higher levels of social capital. In other words, gamers communicate more effectively with others and have better listening skills. According to research from The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop, games can also help kids develop empathy and patience as they learn to navigate virtual communities.


Today, thanks to technology and online gaming, it’s never been easier for you to learn new skills, strategies, and concepts. It may seem like video games won’t help you grow professionally—but they actually can! If you’re looking for a way to develop your expertise, try playing some heads up poker game today. It will sharpen your math skills while giving you great practice making decisions under pressure.