Is it worth it to get a POS system in Singapore? – Retail, F&B, and e-commerce businesses must see this


POS system is a popular and cost-effective way of tracking inventory in retail stores. The system allows the retailer to track the sales made by each product and store them in a database. The store management can then use this data to run reports and track sales performance.

How POS Works?

POS stands for “Point of Sale.” It is a computerized cash register that allows you to quickly and easily process credit and debit card transactions, as well as sales and other cash transactions.

The POS system works on the basis of bar code scanning. It contains a scanner that scans all the items that pass in front of it, which helps in keeping track of them and making sure that they are not sold out or damaged. This helps in maintaining inventory levels at all times and ensures that the products are available for purchase at all times.

The software used for this purpose is known as an inventory management system, which keeps track of sales data from various sources such as cash registers, POS terminals, credit card readers etc., and then stores them in a central location where they can be accessed by all concerned parties including managers, etc., at any time they need them.

Things to Consider When Choosing a POS System

The decision to go with a point of sale (POS) system is a complex one. It’s not just a matter of finding the best software, but also how it will meet your business needs. There are many factors that you need to consider when choosing the right POS system for your business.

The following are some of the things that you need to consider when choosing a POS system:


The cost of the POS system is an important factor in deciding whether or not to buy one. You need to understand how much it will cost you upfront and over time. If you purchase a cheap POS system, then there is no guarantee that it will last for long and might even crash on you halfway through your business journey.

Ease of Use 

This is another important factor when choosing a POS system because if it’s too difficult for your staff, then they won’t use it at all. The more complicated it is, the harder it will be for them to get used to using it in their daily routine and this could result in them forgetting certain things such as passwords or other important information that they need access to regularly during their shifts at work.

Compatibility with your existing infrastructure

The first step in determining whether a POS system will work for your business is to determine if it will work with your current hardware and software. If it won’t, then you’ll need to look at other options.

Support for various payment methods

Some businesses accept only cash, while others offer a variety of payment options including cash, checks, credit cards and debit cards. When deciding on a POS system, make sure it supports all of these methods so that customers can pay with whichever method they prefer.


In addition to supporting multiple payment methods, a POS system should also be able to scale as your business grows over time. If it can’t handle more transactions than you anticipate, then this may not be the best choice for your business’ long-term growth potential.

How far back do you want to look?

POS systems are designed to last a long time. Most of them come with a five-year warranty, and some even offer a ten-year warranty. That’s almost unheard of in the world of technology, but it’s a feature that makes POS systems worth considering.

How much does it cost?

The cost of a POS system depends on everything from the brand name to the size of your store. The bigger the store, the more expensive it will be to implement and maintain. A smaller store may be able to get away with something more inexpensive, but wouldn’t want to go too inexpensive because then you might as well just stick with cash registers for now.

Is it worth it to get a POS system?

The simple answer is yes, it is worth it. But before we get into the details, let’s look at some of the benefits of having a POS system in your restaurant.

Cost savings

Having a POS system will help you save money on labor costs and other overhead costs by not having to manually enter all of your sales data into a computer or spreadsheet.

More accurate accounting

With a POS system you can be more accurate with your accounting, which means you’ll be able to make better decisions about how to run your business and what items should be added or removed from your menu.

Increased sales volume

A POS system can help increase sales volume by making it easier for employees to track customer behavior, such as how many times someone buys something or when someone orders for the first time at your restaurant. That gives you insight into what types of promotions would work best for your business in terms of increasing sales volume and getting more repeat customers back again!

Improved customer service efficiency and satisfaction levels

A POS system offers better customer service since employees don’t have to go searching through spreadsheets or handwritten lists anymore when they’re trying to find out what items are currently on sale or if there are any specials going on the right path.

POS With Small Capital

A small business owner who wants to start out with very little capital can use an open-source software package such as Linux or Windows XP (or even an older version of Windows) for his or her POS or ERP system. This gives the owner control over the software, which makes it easier for him or her to customize the design for his or her needs. An open-source system also allows users to share information about their software with other users through forums and discussion groups on the Internet.

Benefits of POS System

POS system has many benefits for business owners. Here are some of them:

Automated Ordering

Because ordering is done automatically by means of the POS or ERP (enterprise resource planning system) system, it reduces labor costs for employees by reducing the time spent on tasks such as taking orders from customers and preparing food for them.

Manual Ordering

A manual ordering process requires that employees be present at each station throughout the day to take orders. This can cause delays in service due to slow employee turnover and special attention being paid to one or two customers at a time.

Customer Service

Because customers cannot see how long they have been waiting for their food or drinks, they often complain about poor customer service when they get their order too late or not at all. By using an automated ordering process, customers can expect their order within minutes of placing it instead of waiting hours or days later after being forgotten due to long lines.

Other small benefits include:

  1. POS (Point of Sale) system is a digital cash register that can be used to record customer purchases and sales.
  2. It allows you to keep track of all the sales that are made at a store, so that you can optimize your inventory and make more money.
  3. The POS system can also be used to track inventory, which helps in avoiding theft or loss of product.
  4. It is easier for customers to pay with their debit or credit cards when using a POS system, as there are no separate cash registers located in each store location.
  5. The POS system provides better security than manual cash registers because it records transactions in real time, which helps prevent fraud and theft from occurring in an average business setting because it prevents human error from occurring during transactions.”