7‌ ‌Reasons‌ ‌why‌ ‌third-party‌ ‌inspection‌ ‌is‌ ‌required‌ ‌for‌ ‌the‌ ‌fuel‌ ‌industry‌ ‌

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Not having an effective third-party inspection program can not only threaten the integrity of your product, but your entire company as well. Not all business owners are aware of these dangers, however, and that’s why it’s important to be informed on the benefits of third-party inspection so you can protect yourself and your employees. Here are seven reasons why third-party inspection is required for the fuel industry.

1) Safety

Third-party inspections are performed by an unbiased party, not an employee of your company. The third party provides another set of eyes on site at your facility to look out for potential safety hazards and unsafe practices, which can ultimately save lives. Any time there’s more than one person or entity involved in something like hiring or contracting, it increases transparency and accountability on both sides. The more outside perspectives on your operations you can bring in, the better off you’re likely to be.

2) Accountability

When it comes to  Inspection service in China, sometimes a company’s word isn’t enough. We all trust that our food and medicine will be safe and effective – and we don’t question the fact that they were produced by someone who makes those things every day. 

The same isn’t true of fuels such as natural gas or LPG, which are bought and sold via long chains of intermediaries who aren’t involved in processing those raw materials into fuels. Natural gas liquids (NGLs) such as ethane need to be processed before they can be used as vehicle fuels, but you can’t always tell what’s happened along that supply chain just by looking at product quality or doing your own testing.

3) Stronger Laws

In recent years, a number of gas stations have been found to be selling contaminated fuel. Most recently, in September 2014, a Phillips 66 station in New Jersey was found to be selling regular unleaded with an octane rating of just 89 rather than 93. In California, a Chevron station was caught selling regular gas as premium and another station was selling diesel as regular. These stations aren’t outliers—problems have been discovered at gas stations all over the country. So third-party inspections are necessary in order to ensure that consumers aren’t getting shortchanged or exposed to toxic chemicals in their gasoline or diesel fuel.

4) Convenience

Most of us are used to filling up at a gas station that may or may not be within walking distance of our home or work. If you’re in a hurry, it’s nice to know that there are usually several options available at most service stations, which means you can fill up and get back on your way without wasting too much time. And what if you encounter problems with your gas gauge? A third-party inspector can give you answers, making sure you have enough fuel to get where you need to go. Knowing your vehicle will run when you hit empty gives peace of mind about an otherwise inconvenient situation. All these reasons are just as applicable in locations outside of America—especially places where driving is less common than it is here!

5) Communication

Liability risk in any business can be an ongoing source of stress, but there are ways to mitigate it. If you’re in charge of purchasing equipment or materials, choosing products with solid product warranties can help reduce your liability risks. It’s also important to choose vendors who will work with you when issues do arise. For example, if a piece of equipment breaks down or doesn’t meet specifications after delivery, there should be clear lines of communication so that you don’t find yourself in a situation where someone else decides how best to resolve an issue. This can help reduce uncertainty and delay—both of which can be contributors to accidents.

6) Protection from Liability

If you are importing, exporting or distributing fuels in your business, you have a legal obligation to comply with applicable national and international standards. The primary purpose of these standards is to protect consumers. They also help reduce crime by making it harder for criminals to pass off inferior products as legitimate ones. 

According to ISO 9001 audit, The goal of quality management system requirements is customer satisfaction through product consistency. For example, your customers are much more likely to be satisfied if they know they’re buying high-quality fuel that meets all regulatory requirements. Furthermore, if your customers were ever harmed because of an accident related to your handling of fuel, you could be held liable for damages unless you had proof that you met all legal standards prior to sale.